What’s in an assessment? What do I need to do before I send out an assessment? How many people can I have in my survey? What's needed to get an assessment report? Schedule your assessment Can I send an assessment to someone’s personal email address or mobile number? What if my people don’t have access to a computer? What is the health and safety snapshot? How are the 'Actions to take now' in your SafePlus report decided? How is my organisation’s strength identified? How do you benchmark my organisation’s performance? Who has access to my information? How do I add additional SafePlus coordinators? What happens to my assessment information? How do I access previous assessment outcomes? Where can I get more health and safety help and support? Can I call myself a SafePlus organisation? How do I get technical help? Can I give you feedback or make a suggestion? How do I reset my password? Overall organisation performance is different to location / team / region performance Resend assessment invitation to a different email address / smart phone number What is the difference between a simple and full assessment?

What’s in an assessment?

When you start an assessment, your people will be sent a link to complete a multi-choice questionnaire about their experience of health and safety in your organisation. They will be asked questions that are tailored to their role.

Three example statements

Full set of questions

It should take your people about 6-10 minutes to answer all the questions. There’s also space for them to leave any comments before submitting their assessment.

Watch ‘A guide for your people to take the assessment’

What do I need to do before I send out an assessment?

You should let your people know the assessment is coming at least a week before you send it out. Here’s a draft email you could use as a template:

We want your help to improve our health and safety performance.

In about a week, we’ll be sending out a link to a quick online questionnaire. It should take you about 6 to 10 minutes to answer some multi-choice questions about your experience of health and safety at [ORGANISATION NAME]. Your response is anonymous and confidential and will only be used to improve health and safety, so please be honest!

It’s really important that everyone participates so we get the most accurate picture possible of where and how we need to improve.

The link will be open for [DURATION] to give you time to give your feedback.

If you need access to a desktop, one will be available at [LOCATION] from [DAY/TIME] until [DAY/TIME].

Here is the link to the 'taking the assessment' video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td26OlCQ1Io.

Thank you for your help.

Make sure you have a desktop set up for people to use if required. If you’re sending assessments to personal email addresses or mobile numbers, make sure you have permission to do this in advance.

How many people can I have in my assessment?

The SafePlus online tool was set up primarily to support small and medium-sized businesses (defined as up-to 100 employees). A maximum of 800 people is the largest number that can safely be invited to take part in a single SafePlus online survey. Beyond this number, some combinations of user-selected survey variables may cause the survey invitations not to send properly.

What's needed to get an assessment report?

A report will only be generated when at least one person from each of your Leadership and Operations role groups has completed the survey.

Leadership roles include:

  • Business Owner, Board Member, and Senior/Executive Manager.

Operation roles include:

  • Middle Manager, Team Leader/Supervisor, Employee, Contractor, Supplier, and Customer.

SafePlus assessments check whether leadership and other roles share an understanding of current work practices. To get a report you must get responses from both groups.

The risk of no response from a role group is greatest if only a few people are invited to the assessment – this is most likely in small organisations, and particularly for the Leadership role group. Inform all invited participants about the consequences of not completing their survey, as this could result in wasted effort and no report. Do this before the survey link is sent out.

Contact leaders a day or two before the assessment's end date, to remind them of the importance of completing the assessment if they haven’t already.

Note: 24 hours before the assessment closes, anyone who still needs to complete the survey will receive a reminder from the online tool. No further reminders will be sent by the tool, and the survey will still close, whether or not there are enough responses to create a report.

If you click 'Start assessment' with people from only one role group invited, you'll get an alert. You can return to the ‘Your people’ tab and add new people to your planned assessment or edit the roles of people already on the list, so that both role groups are represented, then ‘Save’. If you ignore the alert and click the 'Confirm - start assessment' button instead, your invited people will still get a survey, but you won’t get an assessment report when the assessment closes.

Schedule your assessment

The default setting for your assessment is 'whole business', starting today and running for 7 days. You can change these settings to suit your organisation's needs; there are two options.

  1. Schedule your whole business for a date in the future (up to 30 days).
  2. Schedule parts of your organisation either by location, team, or region (only one of these, they cannot be combined) for separate dates in the future, within the time frame provided by the selected duration.

If you choose the second option, those people who are not in a location / team / region will still be sent an assessment. This defaults to the earliest 'start date' you selected. All others will receive an invitation to the assessment on the date you have selected for their individual location / team / region.

Can I send an assessment to someone’s personal email address or mobile number?

Yes. It’s up to you as your organisation’s coordinator to get permission to use someone’s personal email address or mobile number for assessments. You should ensure you follow the Information Privacy Principles when using and storing someone’s personal information.

What if my people don’t have access to a computer?

If you work with people who don’t have regular access to a computer or smartphone, you should make a shared desktop available for the duration of the assessment. You’ll need to let your people know they can use this computer to complete their assessments if they need to. You may also want to extend the duration of the assessment.

What is the health and safety snapshot?

The assessment questions gather information about whether your organisation is meeting specific health and safety performance standards. Those performance standards fall into three groups — leadership, worker engagement and risk management.

The health and safety snapshot in an assessment outcome is a quick indicator of how your organisation is performing across the three groups of standards.


An organisation at the Developing stage:

  • may be aware of the need to improve their practices and performance to support better health and safety outcomes for workers
  • may not have fully identified or addressed risk management requirements
  • may involve workers in some health and safety activities
  • may use personal protective equipment (PPE) and administrative controls as the main form of control for risks
  • may have largely informal health and safety practices
  • may have lower levels of strategic planning around health and safety risks
  • may tend to respond reactively to address issues as they occur.


An organisation at the Performing stage:

  • has proactive and visible leadership and governance
  • actively reviews and monitors performance to support continual improvement
  • actively seeks information on its health and safety risks, and implements and monitors actions to sustainably manage identified health and safety risks
  • involves workers in all activities and empowers them to take action
  • is committed at all levels to supporting good health and safety outcomes.


An organisation at the Leading stage meets the Performing requirements and:

  • may actively seek opportunities to support the development of innovations that improve health and safety and address current and emerging health and safety risks for all in the sector
  • may take a leadership role in industry to influence and assist others nationally or internationally to lift performance
  • has health and safety integrated in core business activities and a sense of corporate social responsibility can be demonstrated
  • invests in health and safety above (or beyond) job and legislative requirements
  • has built a strong sense of ownership from workers at all levels
  • actively supports workers to lead initiatives.
Watch ‘Your report and how to use it’

How are the 'Actions to take now' in your SafePlus report decided?

The questions in a SafePlus self-assessment are grouped under three headings: Leadership, Worker Engagement and Risk Management. SafePlus works out an average score for each question across all the people who took part in your assessment – and which of the three headings received the lowest average rating overall. Question responses are scored ‘Strongly agree’ = 5, ‘Agree’ = 4, ‘Neither agree nor disagree’ = 3, ‘Disagree’ = 2, ‘Strongly disagree’ = 1

Your organisation’s recommendations:

You receive either three or five improvement recommendations, together with links to good-practice guidance and advice, depending on the size of your organisation and the health and safety performance identified in your assessment

With three recommendations you receive:

  • One recommendation based on the lowest-scoring question from the lowest-scoring heading: Leadership, Worker Engagement or Risk Management.
  • One recommendation based on the lowest-scoring question overall.
  • One recommendation from the question with the largest gap between the average score given by your Leadership role group compared with everyone else. This shows the biggest difference of opinion about how health and safety is being managed.

A table summarising response for each question by each of your Leadership role group and Operations role group (everyone else) is provided in the ‘Responses’ tab of each assessment, as long as five or more people from Operations role group replied to that assessment.

With five recommendations you also receive:

  • A recommendation from the second-lowest-scoring question within the lowest -scoring heading
  • A recommendation from the second-lowest-scoring question overall.*

* If specific roles have been set up for an assessment (for example business owner, team leader or contractor), the fifth recommendation comes from the largest difference in question score between any two roles, rather than from the second-lowest scoring question overall.

For organisations in higher-risk industries

If you operate in a higher-risk industry and get a “developing” result from your risk management indicators, your recommended actions will all be about risk management.

Recommendations for individual locations, regions or teams

If you’ve added locations, teams or regions to your assessment set-up then you’ll also get two recommendations for each – as long as five or more people from that location, team or region have taken part. These recommendations are based on the lowest question score and the largest gap in scores between any two roles within that location, team or region.

Watch ‘Your report and how to use it’

How is my organisation’s strength identified?

If at least one of the required questions from your assessment gets an average score of 3.5 or more, your report will include a strength in health and safety, based on the highest-scoring required question*.

An identified strength is an area of health and safety that people within your organisation think is working relatively well. Use what you're doing well and the guidance provided to start a conversation with your team about how to make improvements in other aspects of work.

If no question scores highly enough to be identified as a strength, more general guidance is given about how to develop a strengths focus to your health and safety system.

Question responses are scored ‘Strongly agree’ = 5, ‘Agree’ = 4, ‘Neither agree nor disagree’ = 3, ‘Disagree’ = 2, ‘Strongly disagree’ = 1.

*Priority is given to the highest-scoring required question from within the highest-scoring area (Leadership, Worker Engagement or Risk Management). However, your strength can be based on your highest-scoring question overall.

Watch ‘Your report and how to use it’

How do you benchmark my organisation’s performance?

Benchmark results are an indicator of how your organisation compares to other organisations that are broadly similar. Results are based on your organisation’s industry sector type, its number of employees (small (<20), medium (20-99) or large (100+)), and complexity (legal structure).

You’ll only get a benchmark result with your performance information if there are at least 9 assessments for other organisations with the same sector type, size and complexity.

You won’t see any details about the exact number of organisations your benchmark result is based on, the organisations themselves, the industry sub-sector category they represent, or the numbers and roles of participants in their assessments. These factors should be considered when interpreting your results.

Watch ‘Your report and how to use it’

Who has access to my information?

You are the only person who has access to your account.

You can add up to 3 coordinators to your organisation. Each coordinator has their own login and password but shares access to organisation and assessment details. FAQ: Find out how to add a coordinator.

You can choose to share assessment outcomes with others by downloading or printing them.

The SafePlus Online Tool meets government security and privacy requirements. No identifiable or commercially sensitive information is available to the government or any other user or business.

All assessment information is periodically anonymised, aggregated and sent to WorkSafe.  All organisation and individual names are removed. WorkSafe use this aggregated information to improve health and safety outcomes for all New Zealanders.

How do I add additional SafePlus coordinators?

You can have up to three SafePlus coordinators for your organisation so that you have cover when one is away, or to share set up or assessment tasks.

Go to ‘Your organisation’, click on the edit pencil adjacent to your organisation details. Once in the edit screen you can add your additional coordinators details (name and email) and then click the ‘send an invitation’ button.

The new coordinators will receive an email invitation with a link to where they can set up their password and then access the tool.

What happens to my assessment information?

Your assessments and outcomes will be stored in your account for five years.  Assessment information is deleted permanently after five years.

Find all of your assessments here

Your information is stored by an independent service provider contracted by WorkSafe. The service provider ensures your information is stored in a safe and secure environment.

How do I access previous assessment outcomes?

See all of your assessments

Once an assessment is complete, you can view outcomes, comments, and see a summary of the settings for that assessment. Assessments are stored in your account for five years.

Watch ‘Hints and tips to run your assessment’

Where can I get more health and safety help and support?

For help implementing your assessment outcomes, we recommend you contact a SafePlus Assessor.

An independent SafePlus Assessor can visit your business and assess how well you are performing against the SafePlus performance requirements and provide advice on how to improve.

Onsite assessment and advisory service

Can I call myself a SafePlus organisation?

The SafePlus Online Tool does not involve any independent verification of performance — so organisations can’t use their assessment outcomes as evidence that they meet the SafePlus performance requirements.

You can only promote your organisation as meeting the SafePlus performance requirements if your business has completed an onsite assessment with a Health and Safety Association New Zealand (HASANZ) registered SafePlus Assessor and scored an overall outcome of Performing or Leading.

How do I get technical help?

For technical issues and troubleshooting, contact support@safeplus.co.nz.

Privacy Statement
The SafePlus Online Self-Assessment Tool software support and customer help is managed by independent service providers on behalf of WorkSafe New Zealand. No contact information will be supplied to WorkSafe as a result of your communication with us, unless you authorise us to do so.

Can I give you feedback or make a suggestion?

Yes! If you have feedback about SafePlus or this tool, or want to make a suggestion for a future improvement, email support@safeplus.co.nz. We’d love to hear from you.

Privacy Statement
The SafePlus Online Self-Assessment Tool software support and customer help is managed by independent service providers on behalf of WorkSafe New Zealand. No contact information will be supplied to WorkSafe as a result of your communication with us, unless you authorise us to do so.

How do I reset my password?

Change your password

Overall organisation performance is different to location / team / region performance

All assessment responses are considered when calculating the overall business performance level. Individual locations / teams / regions have their performance calculated based upon only their responses. Therefore their performance can be quite different to the overall organisation. Individual locations / teams / regions have their lowest performing area and largest gap between any two roles reported and guidance given to improve these.

Resend assessment invitation to a different email address / smart phone number

Should one of your people not receive an invitation to an assessment, it could be caused by an incorrect email address or smart phone number. You can resend the original invitation by going to ‘Your assessments’ > find the ‘Assessment in progress’ and click on the ‘Summary’ button. Select the ‘People’ bar (with the ‘unlocked’ icon) and open that up. Select the person you want to resend the invitation to and enter the new email address or smart phone number (and change the preferred method of contact if needed) and then save this. An invitation will be sent to the updated email address / smart phone number.

Note: This is a one time update, the original email address / smartphone number is still retained. You may want to update this for the next assessment.

What is the difference between a simple and full assessment?

When you do this:

Simple assessment

  • Just add your people and send.

Full assessment

  • Define your organisation’s structure and roles to tailor your assessment outcomes.
Add your people
Define your organisation’s structure, locations and roles
Send out invitations to complete the assessment
You’ll get this:
Health and safety performance levels for leadership, worker engagement and risk management
Specific advice and actions you can take now to make the biggest difference in your health and safety performance
Links to further guidance and best practice
See gaps between leadership and operations
See gaps between different roles and teams, and in different locations or regions
Compare performance between roles, locations, regions and teams